2022 Gallipoli Art Prize


2022 Gallipoli Art Prize winner Deirdre Bean with her winning painting ‘Along the ride to Damascus’.Photo Cynthia Sciberras Download high res
Newcastle artist Deirdre Bean has won the 2022 Gallipoli Art Prize ($20 000 acquisitive prize auspiced by the Gallipoli Memorial Club) with her painting ‘Along the ride to Damascus’ featuring a sword used by Australian Light Horse battalions in WWI. Bean’s winning work is intricately rendered in oil paint on canvas using ultra-fine brushes. The sword, scabbard and leather-bound ‘swagger stick’ featured in the painting belong to a private collector who loaned the precious items to Deirdre Bean so she could draw and then paint them from life. 
‘It has been my art practice in recent years to rediscover items such as these: precious, meaningful items that are locked away and in danger of being forgotten,’ says Deirdre Bean. ‘My ambition is to ‘relove’ them by bringing them briefly into the light and, with careful handling, reimagine them in paint on canvas. This sword now has a new alternative life. The stories it evokes are retold, conversations are had, and information shared. We remember, lest we forget.’

Read her full artist statement here ]
Deirdre Bean is a revered botanical artist with a PhD in Natural History Illustration, focusing on mangrove species. Her works are included in the public collections The Royal Botanical Gardens in London and Sydney as well as Parliament House in Canberra. Her awards include one Gold and two Silver-Gilt Medals from the Royal Horticultural Society, London and her work ‘Major Smith’s Petrichor’ was Highly Commended in the 2020 Gallipoli Art Prize. 
Deirdre Bean’s first artist trip to Gallipoli was in 2013 which prompted her to begin painting weaponry and other battlefield relics. In 2017 she was one of twelve artists included in an art expedition to the WWI battlefields in France and Belgium, to explore Australian history and memories of the Great War.
The judges highly commended Geoff Harvey for his painting ‘Lest We Forget’ made up of four panels depicting a war memorial in different seasons of the year. Harvey says in his artist statement ‘The seasons come and the seasons go, as the years pass but these statues continue to hold their posts steadfast and reliable as silent sentinels of remembrance in an ever-changing landscape… Lest We Forget’ Geoff Harvey has won the Gallipoli Art Prize twice, once in 2012 with ‘Trench Interment’ and again in 2021 with ‘Forgotten Heroes’. 
The Gallipoli Art Prize invites artists to respond to the broad themes of loyalty, respect, love of country, courage and comradeship as expressed in the Gallipoli Club’s creed. 
THE GALLIPOLI MEMORIAL CLUB CREED: “We believe that within the community there exists an obligation for all to preserve the special qualities of loyalty, respect, love of country, courage and comradeship which were personified by the heroes of the Gallipoli Campaign and bequeathed to all humanity as a foundation for perpetual peace and universal freedom”.
Judging for this year’s Prize was conducted by Jane Watters, Barry Pearce, John Robertson and Elizabeth Fortescue. Previous winners of the Gallipoli Art Prize include renowned artists Euan Macleod (2009), Idris Murphy (2014) and Jiawei Shen (2016). 
The 2022 Gallipoli Art Prize will be on exhibition at The Cleland Bond Store, 33 Playfair St, The Rocks, Sydney from 21 April to 8 May, 2022. 
To view the works online visit  www.gallipoliartprize.org.auGallipoli Art Prize 2022 Winner: Deirdre Bean ‘Along the ride to Damascus’
58 x 120 cm. Oil on canvas. Download High Res.Gallipoli Art Prize 2022 Highly Commended: Geoff Harvey ‘Lest We Forget’
160cm x 120cm. Acrylic on board. Download High Res.2022 Gallipoli Art Prize
Winner: Deirdre Bean Along the ride to Damascus
Highly Commended: Geoff Harvey Lest We Forget

2022 Gallipoli Art Prize Finalists
Andrew Tomkins           Tarakan
Anthony Swan               And the Earth shall have it all
Christine Wrest-Smith   The Messenger
Clare Llewelyn              The Night Quilt
Deidre Bean                  Along the ride to Damascus
Frankie Morgan             Wild clefting, you I sing
Geoff Harvey                 Lest we Forget
Ian Morton                     Life and Limb
James Powditch            Empire
John Klein                     Jack Klein
Jon Field                       Toby’s Diary – letters to my Mother
Julie Hutchings             The Anzac Spirit Shines
Kally Arnold                  Who Dares Wins
Karl Romandi                Show and Tell 1952
Kevser Ugurlu               Restless Hope Syndrome
Lara Balog                    Digger   
Lee Portman                 Aboriginal Soldier
Lori Pensini                  White Feather – Coward or Courage      
Michael Ryan                Price of War
Penelope Oates            A way through
Philip Meatchem           The Frontline Worker – Portrait of a fuzzy wuzzy angel
Robert Hammill             Coming Home
Rodney Forbes              Able Seaman John Henry Jarrett, RAN
Rosalind Friday             Cricket on Shell Green
Ross Townsend             Wars End
Shirin Amirbeaggi          There is no difference
Shirley Jenkins              The Walers
Sylvia Leech                  Embracing the Dawn
Sylvie Carter                 Surveyors of Merauke, PNG
Trenna Austin               Thundered through and I saw them coming but not as a trot

view all 2022 finalists here ]
Gallipoli Art Prize Previous Winners
2006  Margaret Hadfield  Ataturk’s legacy 
2007  Lianne Gough Glorus fallen 
2008  Tom Carment Max Carment, War Veteran (the last Portrait) 
2009  Euan Macleod Smoke/Pink landscape/Shovel 
2010  Raymond Arnold The dead march here today 
2011  Hadyn Wilson Sacrifice 
2012  Geoff Harvey Trench interment 
2013  Peter Wegner Dog with Gas Mask 
2014  Idris Murphy Gallipoli Evening 2013
2015  Sally Robinson  Boy Soldiers
2016  Jiawei Shen Yeah, Mate!
2017 Amanda Penrose Hart The Sphinx, Perpetual Peace
2018 Steve Lopes Exposed Wood, Mont St Quentin
2019 Martin King War Pigeon Diaries
2020 Alison Mackay Breathe
2021 Geoff Harvey Forgotten Heroes

View previous winners here]Media Contact
Clare McGregor M: 0418 192 524 clarempublicity@gmail.com

Media Assets2022 Winner and Highly Commended [ CLICK HERE ] 2022 Finalists [ CLICK HERE ] www.gallipoliartprize.org.au