Moira Blumenthal Productions presents “The Making of Sasha Fein” by Rob Selzer

The second play in Our Second Stage season is The Making of Sasha Fein

For sixty years Sandy Fein has kept a secret, a secret he is determined will follow him to the grave. All that changes the day he buries his elderly mother and some of her old mementos threaten to expose the truth. At the same time, his grand-daughter, Aviva, persuades him to be part of her family-tree project, and picks at the threads of his past as well as the strings of his heart. A story of shame, loss, intergenerational ties and the unbreakable bonds of family, The Making of Sasha Fein is a beautiful telling of how a dark secret can pull a family apart or bring them back together.

Presented at ARA Darling Quarter Theatre proudly supported by Monkey Baa Theatre Company. Saturday, 14th November 3pm and 7pm.

More information and bookings, please click below…/the-making-of-sasha-fein/