Amazing Theatre in Sydney. Right. NOW!

I have been very lucky in the last month to see some truly amazing theatre. While I try not to review, as I see it as a conflict of interest, I will promote shows that I have not worked on purely to encourage as many people as I can to support this wonderful industry. These two are extraordinary !

The Floating World – Griffin Theatre Company

I love Griffin, I love the theatre space. This small company continually pumps out quality work, but The Floating World was quite extraordinary. It has finished its main stage season now but is moving to Riverside Theatre at Parramatta. Don’t miss out on seeing a beautiful play, superbly acted.

All My Sons – Darlinghurst Theatre Company

I will admit I have not been to see anything from this company in a while and being very keen to check out their new theatre space, and after reading reviews for All My Sons I hot footed it there on the weekend. Again, quality acting in a beautiful new space that Sydney so desperately needs.

and one I am being paid to market! (disclaimer)

From Door to Door – Moira Blumenthal Productions

This beautifully written play I have worked on before at The Seymour Centre in 2009, currently it is at a new theatre space we are trialling at  the Sydney Jewish Museum. While the space is not ideal for theatre, it has an intimacy about it that lends well to Door to Door. The acting again, is quite extraordinary and cudos to them all in working in such a small space. This play finishes on Sunday – most shows have sold out but some tickets available for Tuesday 7pm and Sunday 5pm shows.